

Civil Engineering & Infrastructure Design

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Well-designed Civil and Infrastructure Engineering improves the quality of life within residential communities and commercial environments. The hugely important role that Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) play can improve landscapes while providing ecological benefits by closer matching drainage designs with the natural water cycle and enhancing biodiversity.

We recognise that a carefully considered and coordinated civil engineering design can provide enhanced sustainability and financial benefits and we will iterate designs to achieve optimum quantities for earthworks.

Our clients benefit from engaging us at an early stage, commissioning us to provide site appraisals and feasibility studies, also allowing us to influence site layouts in order to minimise costly site export and also develop a layout considerate to the site’s constraints.

Our team of civil engineering designers and technicians combine our expertise with the use of 3D modelling techniques and design software to tailor the best solution for each project.

Our Civil and Infrastructure Engineering services include:

    • Pre planning design guidance
    • Site appraisals
    • Estate infrastructure design (residential and commercial, adoptable and private)
    • External works design
    • Ground improvement and subbase reduction
    • Plot infrastructure design
    • Drainage modelling and attenuation design
    • Earthworks modelling
    • Cut and fill analysis and volume calculations
    • Sustainable Urban Drainage System design
    • CIRIA SUDS Manual compliance
    • Section 278 and 38 highway works
    • Section 104 and 185 drainage works
    • Swept path analysis
    • AIPs



